Hashimoto Takumi + Mochizuki Yusaku:
Look out! Performing Arts!
This Performing Arts duo uses video, lights and their bodies to make sudden happenings in strange places.
Expect the unexpected, performances throughout Art Night all over Roppongi Hills.
Hashimoto Takumi
Born in 1988, in Tokyo. A transformer. In his own way, he is expressing the influence affected on human by “images”.
Mochizuki Yusaku
Born in 1988, Shizuoka. He’s in master’s degree program at Tokyo University of the Arts (Hibino Katsuhiko’s office). He started street performance from 2001, and has expanded his activities like performances in a public street in Japan and overseas
Sa 17:55– 5:39 *at any moment
Locations around Roppongi Hills