Theme of the Roppongi Art Night 2014

This year’s artistic director is Hibino Katsuhiko and the theme is “Move Your Body!” which focuses on the “physical nature of art.” You’ll see not only conventional art works, but“audience-participation parades,” interactive art, food stalls and much more take to the streets. We look forward to seeing you there!

Move Your body!
Eyes move, hands move, legs move, fingers move, heads move, hips move, chests move, throats move, bellies move, mouths move, noses move, ears move, eyelids move, lungs move, cells move, hearts move.

Ergo, art moves.
Art moves within our bodies.
When the body moves,
art moves.

So shout it to the land, and to the cosmos!
Move Your body!

―Hibino Katsuhiko―

Hibino Katsuhiko

Hibino Katsuhiko

Roppongi Art Night 2014 Artistic Director
Hibino Katsuhiko

Born 1958 in Gifu. Completed postgraduate studies at Tokyo University of the Arts. Acclaimed in the 1980s for his multi-disciplinary approaches and their reflection of the times.
Engaging in collaborative work with local communities, Hibino develops projects that focus on the powers of sensibility in their audiences and creates mechanisms by which art functions in society. In 2013 alone, he presented the “Project for the Museum of Seabed Inquiry Ship Ototoimaru” at the Setouchi International Art Festival, and held exhibitions at the Taro Okamoto Museum of Art, Kawasaki, and Yokosuka Museum of Art. Hibino is currently director of the Japan Football Association and a professor at the Tokyo University of the Arts Department of Intermedia Art.