


Contortion Group Nogara, “Live Flexibly ~Twisting People~” Roppongi Art Night Digital 2022
Program chosen from “Open Call Project”

9/3(Sat) onwards
Official YouTube channel
[Participation fee]
Kitchen staff at a restaurant, businessmen at work, janitors absorbed in cleaning, children playing innocently… While these may be mundane scenes, the “twisting” people integrate themselves into them as the recurring theme of this short film. Can the human body really twist that far? Their strange movements make it seem like they aren’t even human. As they use their figures to create unusual curves that are both beautiful and discomforting, what lies in store when they continue to gather?


Contortion Group Nugara

Contortion is the acrobatic act of bending the body with unrestricted freedom. In Mongolia, it has come to be known as the “art of twisting.” The first and only one of its kind in Japan, Contortion Group Nogara hails from Contortion Specialty Studio Nogara (Shinjuku, Tokyo) as a pliable performance group composed of soft-bodied people who have undergone a fascinating training in flexibility.