Roppongi Art Night 2013

《Liminal Air Space-Time》箱根彫刻の森美術館《存在の証明》

Liminal Air Space-Time (2012) shown in “Proof of Existence,” Hakone Open-Air Museum
Photo: Nagare Satoshi

Ohmaki Shinji:
Liminal Air Space-Time / Wave

A new installation that uses cloth to make observers aware of time and space. As the cloth moves up and down, swaying the bounds between realms, those watching may feel its movements defy gravity. Jarring perceptions thus creates a time-space distinct from that of everyday life, a physical sensory shift that contradicts expectations to break down existing values toward creating new values.

Ohmaki Shinji

Born in 1971, Gifu. Associate Professor at Dept. of Sculpture, Tokyo University of the Arts. His dynamic installation transforms an exhibition space into something unconventional and evokes a physical sensation of viewers.

Sa 10:00–Su 18:00
Roppongi Hills 66 Plaza